Walk Barefoot In The Grass.. Simply Because You Can

Last week I was sitting outside eating lunch when I met an inspiring woman who was walking barefoot in the grass. "I feel like I'm 5!" she said excitedly as she reached her arms up to the sky.

She continued to share her story with me, about how she endured more severe medical issues in a few short months than one should need to endure in a lifetime. She spoke about having a renewed sense of appreciation for life, even for walking barefoot in the grass as several months ago she could not have even gotten outside without being exhausted.

I share this story with you for two reasons. The first is to give you hope if you are going through a difficult time and want to get back to doing something you can't currently do. Progress can take time, but you can get there.

From a physical therapy standpoint, there are many benefits of walking barefoot in the grass.. It challenges your balance, helps build strength, etc.. But most importantly and second, its fun and sometimes you should walk barefoot in the grass simply because you can.

I hope you are able to do something you enjoy today, even if only for a few minutes. A renewed sense of freedom and appreciation can go far in how you feel both mentally and physically. Maybe for a moment today you enjoy something so much that you can feel like you're 5 again!